Professional Certificates and Programs

Whether you are looking to boost your career or move to a new job, our professional programs and certificates will help you gain essential skills and expertise to advance in your profession. Our instructors are seasoned professionals with years of experience in their field of expertise. Come, learn from some of the best, and expand your own professional network when you meet fellow students who are also professionals like yourself.

Accounting & Finance

Acquire skills for analyzing Financial data & prepare to be a certified public accountant.


Applied Behavior Analyst

The BCBA 5th edition task list opens up the program to students with a Master’s degree in any field/discipline.

child reading a book

Blockchain Technology

The courses in this bootcamp consist of both practical knowledge and hands-on experience with Blockchain Technology development techniques used in the industry.


Business Administration

Gain a strong foundation in business functions, effective communication skills, & diverse managerial skills. 

woman in suit and tie

Business Communication & Law

Learn to construct, present, and critically analyze competing positions on the burning issues in business ethics and policy facing 21st-century leaders and managers.

light bulbs

Business Leadership

Learn to Leverage your own unique personal leadership style to confidentiality and effectively lead from an earned position of strength.

two woman shaking hands

Child Life

A stepping-stone to becoming a Child Life Specialist!

child life

Digital Marketing

Master strategies across social media, mobile marketing, & online analytics in an every-changing field. 

planning on a table with many pieces of paper

Education In-service

Conveniently, affordably provide continuing education units, certifications and professional development training to your staff. The courses are held by, and at, the Institutions.


Emergency Medical Technician

Gain employment as a firefighter, emergency care technician at a hospital and Ambulance driver or attendant! Also for those who are plan on obtaining a higher level of medical training such as RN, PA or MD.


Executive Education & Leadership

No MBA? No problem. Advance in the workplace, become an effective leader or even begin a new career path.

group of people sitting at tables

Introduction to Global Business

Explore business practices and the economy from a global perspective. 


Human Resource Management

Gain expertise in the modern principles of Human Resource Management.

people shaking hands

medical assistant

Professional Career Advising

UCSB Professional and Continuing Education is offering customized resources, guidance and advising to help you take a step forward in your career goals. Even if you are not yet enrolled with us, we are happy to help. Explore this page to find out how.

two woman shaking hands

Project Management

Learn a universal skill-set to initiate projects and lead cross-functional teams to execute the work on time and under budget. 

men sitting at a table

Python Programming 

Learn the basics of Python coding in our new certificate program.


hands holding coins

Technology Management 

Learn the latest in technology and new venture creation. Only for the innovative and entrepreneurial. 

two men sitting at a table

Web Development

Learn how to build websites & web applications with the first & only Web Development Certificate offered in Santa Barbara.
